About unique oil and gas projects in the arctic and people who made them known

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Oil and gas industry is an essential part of the economy and life in general in our region. Obviously, many people would like to see how mineral resources are extracted. However, not every Yamal resident can visit the deposits. Their locations are not easily accessible and are of strategic importance. That is why the primary task of journalists is to provide people with right information, transmit the “picture” and emotions so that viewers can feel involved in the process.

Gazpromneft often invites our reporters to their facilities. Such a creative cooperation has led to the common victory: Yamal’s RTR brunch has won the first place in All Russian Contest “MediaEnergy – 2017”.

There are role models in Yamal who can teach how to explore oil and gas deposits. One of them is the enterprise “Gazpromneft-Yamal”, which is developing a number of deposits above the Arctic Circle, including Novoportovskoe field. A unique project for Russia was implemented here in 2016 – “Gates of the Arctic” terminal was constructed. This terminal made it possible to ship Yamal oil to Europe by sea.

‘Gates of the Arctic crude oil loading terminal was put in operation last year on May 25. Within 14 months of work, about six million tons of oil have been loaded onto tankers.’

Since the very beginning Gazpromneft-Yamal has been actively engaged in addressing social and economic problems of the local area. Besides, the company operates openly, which means that our viewers learn about their key achievements without delays and, literally, from the scene.

Together with the oil team our reporters become participants of truly fateful events.

To personally and feel all the changes happening in the Arctic region – is not that the main luck for a journalist?! Whether it be the construction of new accommodation, provision of urban amenities in remote settlements or implementation of innovations in Yamal’s schools. And it is not to mention the release of about a million fries of valuable industrial fish species in the Ob river! Without doubt, such events are very important for the northerners.

‘I have had a remarkable and meaningful experience of cooperation. I must say that the company itself is carrying out very interesting social projects in the local area. There are a lot of things worth to be told about, and the company generously shares the information.

It is very interesting and meaningful to work with such professionals. Certainly, this cooperation correspondingly leads to adequate results, ’says Boris Shadrintsev, an editor-in-chief.

Of course every journalist dreams to get in the thick of unique events and booming technologies. With the help of Gazpromneft-Yamal many more news pieces like that have been broadcasted on TV.

Partner News

Адрес электронной почты редакции сайта: vesti.yamal@yandex.ru. Номер телефона редакции ГТРК "Ямал": 8(34922) 4-14-20.


Государственный интернет-канал «Россия» 2001 - 2023. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл № ФС 77-59166 от 22 августа 2014 года, выдано Федеральной службой по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охране культурного наследия.

Учредитель – Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания». Главный редактор Панина Елена Валерьевна. Редактор ГТРК «Ямал» Косачёва Ирина Макаровна.
