Ahead of Schedule: Concrete Superstructures Installed on Bridge Over Pur River

Ahead of Schedule: Concrete Superstructures Installed on Bridge Over Pur River

Construction of the first toll bridge across the Pur River in Yamal is ongoing. Longitudinal Superstructure (space between supports) is currently being conducted. Already the third structure in a series is being moved to a given place. In total, there will be 11 spans, the weight of metal structures is 5600 tons altogether. Superstructure began in late August and will have been completed in a year around. The first Deputy Governor of Yamal, who visited the facility, told the media, that the Mostostroy-11 company fulfills its obligations ahead of schedule.

"According to the adjusted schedule, they are going at a good pace. Materials on the construction site are presented and manned by workers and engineering staff. The team is professional, so I do not see any fears.They do the job, as they say, perfectly well." - Alexey Sitnikov, the first Deputy Governor of YNAO, noted.

There are two construction sites on the object. Works are carried out simultaneously on the both banks of the river.

"The process of Superstructure will go up to 10th support, i mean, to support, which is located on the other side of the river. All of this will be carried out from the left bank. There are only 11 supports on the bridge, the 11th support on the right bank is completed. Work is underway to build the ninth support" - said Artem Loparev, project Manager of JSC Mostostroy-11.

In addition, there is a roadfilling on the left bank. Also technological platforms are equipped on both banks, strengthening is executed, the pier is arranged. All of this should ensure the timely delivery of building materials to the object. The first cars on the bridge over the Pur River should pass in the fourth quarter of 2020.

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Адрес электронной почты редакции сайта: vesti.yamal@yandex.ru. Номер телефона редакции ГТРК "Ямал": 8(34922) 4-14-20.


Государственный интернет-канал «Россия» 2001 - 2023. Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл № ФС 77-59166 от 22 августа 2014 года, выдано Федеральной службой по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охране культурного наследия.

Учредитель – Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания». Главный редактор Панина Елена Валерьевна. Редактор ГТРК «Ямал» Косачёва Ирина Макаровна.
